Truth be told; it can be tough to be the new guy or girl insurance agent. For young or inexperienced small business insurance agents there is definitely a lot to learn and sometimes you can feel like your age isn’t always working in your favor. However, people should take heart and consider the fact that they were young and inexperienced once.
As is the case with other professionals, it will only be a matter of time before you help individuals work with cheap small business insurance providers. To make your quest easy, here are a few tips that will show you how a youthful spirit can be a big asset in the aged led insurance business.
Always Listen
Its usual sales aren’t about chit-chat, and in fact the less you talk the better. Of course, your primary purpose is to get your prospect comfortable enough to start talking and at this point you’ll need to be quite and just listen. No matter how your client answers your questions, there will always be an important clue of what they want in their insurance, where they have an objection and where they decisions are likely to lie.
So, once you’ve established that common ground you can go ahead and ask those sales questions and then sit back and analyze the answers. Though it can be a tough skill to master right away for some, it can make your sales work so much easier when you do.
Always Learn from Experienced Coworkers
Just because you’re new in the small business insurance world, it doesn’t mean the rest of your office is. Actually, the team is likely to have decades of experience in the business. Although there’s usually healthy competition between agents in the same office, ultimately, you’re all on the same team. Above all, when you’re new you’ll need to learn everything you can from your more experienced coworkers.
Moreover, you can often put prospects concerned about your age or experience level at ease by referencing the experience of the group. Remind them that every agency has verification and quality control procedures to make sure work is done correctly.